A visitor from Israel

20th to 24th of January 2017, professor Gideon Avni visited Goa. Professor Avni is the Head of Archaeology Survey of Israel, Israel Antiquities Authority. Professor Avni give lectures at Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

This site is a report made by Mr. Ivar Fjeld, including articles on the program made for Professor Avni. Take a look at the sites he visited, and read about how they might be connected to the ancient Jews of Goa.

Mr. Ivar Fjeld is an Evangelical Christian Friend of Israel, an investigative journalist and former Goa Representative of Norway India Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NICCI).  You can contact him on ivarfjeld@yahoo.com


Gideon Avni and Ivar Fjeld at the St.Augustine complex, Old Goa.

There are more than 20 articles and reports published on this site. Please take a look at them all. 


Links to the media-files.